We are due to release series two of the Football Journeys podcast in November. Series Two will tell a series of diverse stories from the game of football - we have a trailblazing female referee, a Premier League sporting director, a club doctor, a football-mad refugee, a pair of international footballing brothers, men and women working in the media, survivors, battlers, campaigners and many more in between. We will also be having breakout episodes with some expert voices and experiences on some of the big issues impacting the game such as mental health, social media and health impacts on the game. We are looking for brands and institutions which share our values and principles. Some episodes are already being produced in partnership with charitable organisations but we have a number of inspiring episodes available for sponsorship. The quality of the audience is a crucial point. The podcast is listened to by many people within sport, and particularly football. A sponsorship opportunity is a good opportunity to get your brand heard across football and sporting networks. If you, or a company you know, would like to sponsor an episode or discuss sponsorship opportunities then contact Matt Himsworth on matt@b5consultancy.com.